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Barista Attitude

Storm II- Copper Edition (refurbed - used)

Storm II- Copper Edition (refurbed - used)

Preis auf Anfrage! +43 6582 20983 oder für eine persönliche Beratung.

Net without taxes: € 8,900 including assembly (Austria)

Used & refurbed in technically perfect condition.
Checked & serviced in our own workshop.

For discounts and a consultation appointment, please contact us on +43 6582 20983 or

The Storm is a mix of craftsmanship and high-tech. Probably the most advanced espresso machine at the moment.

The barista can express himself and his joy of experimentation with simple and effortless processes. All groups have a pre-infusion system with specially made portafilters for exceptional aroma enjoyment. The special individual boiler system (multiboiler) has electronic temperature control for each individual coffee water container and each individual group. A special design feature is the raised groups for easier dosing of tall glasses.

Storm represents the search for the values ​​that were lost, but which have resurfaced thanks to a new cultural and artisanal approach that has been able to assert itself all over the world in a short time.

With us you can test the Storm in Austria's most extensive coffee machine showroom.

  • Multiboiler system for maximum performance even in burst operation
  • Pre-infusion groups for improved aroma
  • Increased brew groups for easier work with cups and glasses
  • Siebräger with a smaller diameter for more efficient coffee use and improved extraction
  • Individual temperature regulation the coffee water container, steam boiler and brewing groups
  • 2x with dry barista steam wand (not automatic)
  • Dosage more portionable Tea spout
  • Synchronized Portioning for easy adjustment
  • Advertisement the ambient humidity, throughput time or water temperature
  • iEnergy Power saving function

More information Storm information


Color Copper Edition
Number of brewing groups 2
Boiler capacity
/2 x 1.2 l + 8 l steam
Number of steam lances
Dimensions / W 1035/ H 500/ D 618
Connection values / 2N 400V
Performance / 5.2 kW

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